Monday, September 28, 2009

The Sieve and the Sand

After reading this chapter of Fahrenheit 451 I thought that Montag was out of his mind when he started reading to the girls. I thought that they would turn him in for having the books and then Beatty would have to burn down his house. Which at the end of this section the fire truck stops in front of his home. However I don't think that they will burn down Guy's home, because he is a fireman just like them and I think that Guy will get the other fireman involved with books as well. I also liked the part when Faber gave Guy that ear piece and they could talk to each other even though they were miles apart. That is such a futureistic device that was not around when the book was written but we have that tool today. So far Fahrenheit 451 is a good book and i am enjoying it very much.

Hearth and the Salamander

After buying this book at the book store i was not too thrilled in reading it. But after I started reading it I could not stop. The book is very good so far and I like how it was written in the 50's but takes place in the future, the stuff in the book is like the worls is now. The one quote from the book that I really liked is when Ray Bradbury said " When were sitting on the porch were either talking or rocking back and fourth". I find this quote to be very true because when you sitting on the porch with people if nobody is talking you are usually rocking back and fourth entertaining yourself. The book is a easy read and I am enjoying it and I cannot wait to read the next section!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Writing From The Darkness

After reading this passage I just could not get involved with it. I felt while reading it that the writer just kept writing about what writing does to you. It was like I was re reading the same thing over and over again. However some of the points in the passage did make me feel sorry for the writer. For example when she said " writing makes us feel fully alive" I only beleive that is true when we can write about what we want, and not have to write about something somebody assigns us. I had to reread the passage a couple times to fully get the understanding of it, but after I did that i started to realize a trend that the author had. She would say how writing for her would help her get away and aavoid doing bad things. I can sort of relate to this but then again I can't because i am not a big fan of writing. On a scale of 1-10 i would give this passage a 6.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009


I am a Facebook user, and i use it everyday. However there is a game on Facebook called Farmville. The purpose of this game is to build a farm and harvest as much as you possibly can. People can also become your neighbor, send you gifts, and help out on your farm when you are away. If you do not get on everyday and check your animals, crops, and any other things you may have, they may die. I do not play this game because I do not have the time for it, but however my girlfriend plays it everyday and always checks up on it. I may have to start up a farm since it is becoming so popular.

Thesis Statements

For homework we had to come up with six good thesis statements. I enjoyed doing this because it made me think about good writing. I don't care for writing too much because I am not that good of a writer. But to be succesful in life you have to go through college and writing is a staple point in college, and the real world. I personnally want to become a Police Officer so therefore my writing has to be pretty decent. When I wrote down my six thesis statements i chose six topics that interested me. Writing about stuff that you enjoy is what I think makes good writing.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

What Should Colleges Teach?

After reading this article I was surprised to find out that composition was not part of their focus. When writing composition is big part in being a successful writer. I beleive that colleges should teach courses that will benefit the students the best. For example, English is essential in everyday life so all aspects of English should be taught. Mathematics is also something we use in our everyday life, therefore Math should be taught. But then you have classes that are taught at colleges that have really no purpose. At HACC they offer Yoga as a course. How can you learn anything from yoga? If you want to do yoga do it on your own time. Get rid of these courses that have no meaning to them and get more courses that will actually help students learn and be more successful. Stanley Fish makes alot of good points in his article from when he talks about how people cannot for a good sentence and when he discuses the ACTA website. Hopefully colleges will change and start teaching the students the correct things they need and not avoid teaching it because there is an easier way.